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Rom Watson creates multi-dimensional characters that capture the hilarity and drama of life all at once. Reading or seeing his work is more like being face to face with someone you know and love (or hate), or being in a situation that magnifies a hilarious and palpable human experience.
– Liam Burke
Tag Archives: Eddie Redmayne
Review: Les Miserables
By Rom Watson c. March 29, 2013 Musicals are by nature a stylized form of entertainment, and film musicals that embrace stylization in their presentation tend to succeed more often than those that choose the path of realism. Jacques Demy … Continue reading →
Posted in Rom's Blog
Tagged Aaron Tveit, Amanda Seyfried, Anne Hathaway, Cameron Mackintosh, Cosette, Eddie Redmayne, Enjolras, Eponine, Fantine, Helena Bonham-Carter, Hugh Jackman, Jacques Demy, Javert, Les Miserables, Marius, musicals, Oscar, raw and real, Russell Crowe, Sacha Baron-Cohen, Samantha Banks, sung-through, Sweeney Todd, The Dark Knight Rises, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Thenardier, Tom Hooper, Valjean, Victor Hugo, Yentl